San Bernardino County CA is the largest county in America in terms of area, and is actually bigger than 9 US states and 71 foreign nations. However, because much of San Bernardino County CA is desert, it is not very large in terms of population. Most people live in the San Bernardino Valley near the county seat or in the mountains near Victorville. The rest of the population is spread out in small desert towns like Needles and Barstow that are scattered between the east side of the mountains and the Arizona state line. There is plenty to do outdoors in San Bernardino County CA for those who are willing to brave the extremes of the desert in Death Valley National Park, Joshua Tree National Park, and the Mojave National Preserve. Because San Bernardino County CA is so large, it may not be practical to retrieve records from various communities yourself. Fortunately, you can ask Certified Field Agent to send a qualified mobile data retrieval specialist to do it for you. The process is safe, secure, and confidential.