A divorce is a legal action between two married people to terminate their marriage relationship. It can be referred to as dissolution of marriage and is basically, the legal action that ends the marriage. Even though divorce may have a negative connotation, it is not always a bad thing. Divorce may offer an option for individuals who got married, but are miserable together. Divorce enables these individuals a way to break away and be able to find other spouses that will make them happier.
Six Common Reasons for Divorce
Let’s take a look at six of the top common reasons why people get divorce.
- Infidelity – extra marital affairs are responsible for a lot of the breakdown in most marriages that result in divorce. The reasons why people cheat are not as easily understood and is the number one reason for divorce.
- Money – Having different financial goals can cause a power struggle and strain a marriage. Money can cause stress in a marriage and having financial troubles is a main reason marriages fail.
- Lack of communication – Having good communication is key to having a strong marriage. When communication breaks down, yelling, arguing, not talking, or avoiding each other can have a significant strain on a marriage. Poor communication is one of the biggest reasons why people get divorced.
- Weight gain – Having significant weight gain can lead to the other spouse becoming less physically attracted for the other. Weight gain can also take a toll on a self-esteem, which can trickle down to issues of intimacy. The combination of these issues with weight gain can cause divorces.
- Unrealistic expectations – Having a spouse live up to your own expectations can often leave a person feeling let down and set your spouse up for failure. These unrealistic expectations can put a lot of strain on the other person and become a reason for divorce.
- Abuse – Either physical or emotional, abuse is a main reason for divorce. No marriage is easy and having to deal with abuse will be even more challenging.
Let us help you!
After a divorce, it will take some time to adjust to. However, if you’ve lost your divorce papers to look at custody visitation or financial details, or even planning to get married again, Certified Field Agent can help. Don’t let getting copies of your divorce papers worry you. Certified Field Agent specializes in locating documents, and divorce papers is one of them. We make sure our qualified agents understand the importance of these documents to ensure a speedy process. Give us a call at 714-632-3480 to learn how we can help you today.